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Photos by Sara Wright Photography
Current Workshops
None on the schedule right now… But check back soon! Better yet, sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of the page to stay updated.
Previous Workshops
Seed Starting Workshop
Tuesday, January 24 – 6:30-7:30 PM
In this workshop, we’ll demonstrate and go over how to start your own seeds successfully and the various materials that can be used. We’ll cover planting all the seeds- veggies, fruits, herbs and flowers. You’ll have strong and vibrant seedlings ready to grow and produce well all season long!
Please email if you’d like to join.
Mushroom Growing Kit 101
Saturday, January 28- 10-11AM
Have you ever wanted to grow mushrooms but feel the learning curve is too steep even with the grow at home mushroom kits? Well look no further! We have Bridgetown Mushrooms on-site on 1/28/20 for a ‘How To: All things mushroom grow Kits’ this class will cover ideal growing environments, what to look for when deciding when to harvest, how to harvest, and how to achieve subsequent harvests after your first as well as what to look for in relation to contamination of your grow kit. Anyone attending the class will be offered a 20% discount on all kits.”
Please email if you’d like to join.
Chicken Raising and Care Workshop
Saturday, February 11 – 10-11 AM
Leslie, from Flock City PDX, will teach us about best practices for selecting and raising chicks and caring for established flocks. She’ll cover essential equipment and feed options, and answer any questions you have about starting your backyard flock. There will also be a chance to order your chicks for the coming season!
Please email if you’d like to join.
Solstice Bundle Making
Wednesday, December 14 – 6:30-8:00 PM
Please join me in making bundles, setting intentions, getting your cards read, sipping tea, snacking and hanging out with beautiful community. The bundles of western red ceder and other yard finds can be used for smudging, hanging in your shower or over your door to clear energy. Tarot reading will be by Jen. Donations will be accepted to Equitable Giving Circle.
Please email to join.
Presentation – Backyard Bird Habitat Certification
Wednesday, November 16 – 6-7 PM
Do you want to help our insects and birds in the urban landscape?Join Weina Dinata from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program to learn how to naturescape your garden or outdoor space with 5 key elements for our habitat. You will also learn about our program, the tools/benefits included in the program. It’s through our collective efforts to transform urban landscapes that positive change is made. Together we make our cities a healthier place, for ourselves and for wildlife.
Please send us an email if you’d like to join us for this presentation at Livingscape.
Herb and Medicine Planting and use
Saturday, October 22 – 10AM-11AM
Hosted by Shawna and Grady Proctor, owner of The Medicine Garden. Please email to sign up for the workshop. The space is limited. The workshop is pay what you can and l00% of the proceeds will go to Wild Diversity.
Learn about a more diverse selection of herb and medicinal plants. If you’re wanting to expand your herb and medicinal garden knowledge beyond sage and rosemary, this is the workshop for you.
Grady grows a large number of the medicinal plants we carry. He has a vast amount of knowledge and experience with how to grow and use herbs and medicinal plants.
Mason Bee Harvesting
Saturday, October 15, 2022 – 10AM-11AM
Hosted by Stephen. Please email to sign up for the workshop. The space is limited. The workshop is pay what you can and l00% of the proceeds will go to Wild Diversity.
To ensure your mason bees thrive each year, fall is the time to extract your mason bee cocoons and place them safely in storage through the winter. At this hands-on workshop, you’ll open your bee house, remove and clean your cocoons, remove any pests and parasites, and prepare your cocoons for winter storage. The workshop will be held in our new, covered outdoor area.
Author Presentation – Urban Foraging
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 – 7 PM Learn about the edible plants that can be found on the streets of Portland! Join Lisa M. Rose as she shares how to identify, gather, and cook 50 common wild foods. After her presentation, Rose will answer questions and sign copies of her new book, Urban Foraging (Timber Press, October 2022).
Native Tincture Meditation
Saturday, October 8, 2022 – 10AM-11AM
Hosted by Shawna. Please email to sign up for the workshop. The space is limited. The workshop is pay what you can and l00% of the proceeds will go to Wild Diversity.
Join Shawna (meeting at the Boise Elliot Native Garden) to settle in with the native plants and insects. We’ll discuss the healing nature around us and some ways I honor and sit with plants and insects. There will be an option to take a drop of native plant tincture to spend quiet time in meditation. We will have an open, volunteer discussion of the experience.
Native Plant Education and Neighborhood Walk
Saturday, October 1, 2022 – 10AM-11AM
Hosted by Tim and Shawna. Please email to sign up for the workshop. The space is limited. The workshop is pay what you can, and l00% of the proceeds will go to Wild Diversity.
Join us for information on native planting best practices, and a walk to Boise Elliot Native Garden (.2 miles from Livingscape) to see a diverse variety of landscaped native plants. On the walk, we’ll check out other natives planted in the neighborhood to give you a wide range of how to build the ecology in your green space.
Kokedama Workshop
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 6PM-7PM
Hosted by Weina from Poppy and Finch. At Livingscape. To register, email or call us with your name, and we’ll reach out for payment. Registration is $75, due by June 3rd.
You’ll learn to create and care for a striking and unique Japanese moss ball. The workshop includes all the materials for assembling your moss ball, a step-by-step breakdown of the process, and helpful care tips for keeping your creation happy and healthy. During the workshop you can also decide to make a hanging or table-top version. Last but not least, you’ll also learn the difference between native and non-native including tropical plants. You will walk away feeling empowered with information about native plants & resources to become a steward for our habitat!
Container Workshop
Saturday, June 4th, 2022, 10AM-11AM
Hosted by Shawna. Please email to sign up for the workshop.
Learn how to plant a container with natives, herbs, medicinal and/or ornamental plants. You will learn how to design a planter with a focus on being pollinator-friendly for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, and for aesthetics. Your friends will be wowed and the animals and insects will love you! You can bring your container, or purchase one from us. And you can shop for plants too! We will provide soil, help with planting, and consultation on choosing the plants.
Composting Worms Workshop
And red wrigglers for composting! Worms are an excellent method for converting kitchen waste into an ultra-nutritious soil amendment. Setting up and maintaining a bin is simple, and they can consume up to six pounds of waste per week!
We’ll be having a Vermicompost Workshop Saturday, March 19th, 2022, 10:30-11:30 am, to go over the basics of setting up a bin and how to keep it tidy and well-functioning. The class will be free with limited participants. Participants will need to bring two plastic tupperware bins, a drainage spout, and a newspaper. We will provide a drill for the holes and dirt. Worms will be for sale live or by certificate to be mailed to you when you are ready.
Fall Mason Bee Harvest
Join us on November 14th, 2021, from noon to 1:30pm for this free, hands-on workshop.
Space is limited, so be sure to sign up in advance by emailing
To ensure your mason bees thrive each year, fall is the time to extract your mason bee cocoons and place them safely in storage through the winter. At this hands-on workshop, you’ll open your bee house, remove and clean your cocoons, remove any pests and parasites, and prepare your cocoons for winter storage. The workshop will be held in our new, covered outdoor area. We are asking that all participants be vaccinated, and masks will be required at all times.
Workshop will be led by Stephen Anderson, local mason bee grower and guide. If you have questions ahead of the workshop, you are welcome to contact Stephen at
Mason Bee Keeping Workshop
It’s nearly mason bee time! Our native bees are powerhouse pollinators, especially in early spring.
On Saturday, March 5, 2021, we’re hosting a mason bee keeping workshop with local expert Stephen Anderson. Learn more about mason bees and how you can bee successful with these amazing native pollinators. We’ll get some hands on experience by sorting cocoons, and each household will leave with a box of them.
Space is limited, so please sign up in advance by emailing
Once the cocoons are all sorted, they’ll be available for sale. If you’re not participating in the class you can pick up your bees starting Saturday afternoon.
The gardening season doesn’t end just because the vegetables have been harvested and the cover crop is sown. There is always more to learn that can be applied to the next growing season, and the books section at Livingscape has the best information out there. We carry books on vegetable and herb gardening, pruning, landscape design, permaculture, container gardening, chicken keeping, and so much more. We also have a growing selection of books on growing and preparing herbal remedies.